Code of Conduct

Warriors FC expects all players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators to abide by a”Code of Conduct” that embodies basic common sense principles, demonstrates consideration of others, and projects an image to our young players of which we can be proud. The following essential elements of the “Code of Conduct” must be adhered to:

  • The emphasis on winning should never be placed above the value of good sportsmanship, fair play, or the skills of the game;
  • Abusive or derogatory or overly critical comments of one’s own children or other children are unacceptable. Use positive reinforcement – catching them doing something well and pointing it out to them is the best teaching tool. It should be remembered that criticism once made can never be retracted;
  • Shout encouragement from the sides not criticism.  Parents have a role to play in getting the best out of a child but try and keep the technical advice to a minimum.  It may be in contrast to a coaches instructions or tactics.  By all means encourage your child to get stuck in and give his best;
  • The safety and welfare of the players are of primary importance and nothing should be done which compromises this;
  • Never maliciously criticize, harass, or threaten an official, another team’s coach or players or spectators;
  • Coaches welcome being approached to discuss a child’s progress or a concern parents may have.   Please approach the coach after, and not during, a session or game or telephone him.Coaches should not be approached in a middle of a coaching session as this is not fair on the children as the coach has to stop the session to talk;
  • Don’t put improper pressure on a coach to play a child in a particular team.  By all means discuss the issue with the coach and ask for his thoughts on the matter but threats or harassment in this regard are unacceptable.  The club operates as a meritocracy and while every coach makes mistakes in team selection, all selections are made in good faith and with careful thought;
  • Be a good winner – if our team is winning by a big score, try and control the celebrations for each additional goal.  The young kids on the other side are hurting badly enough – next week the shoe could be on the other foot;
  • Not arriving for a game is rude to the other players who may have to play a player short and teaches one’s child the completely wrong behavior as it negates the whole “be there for your team” lesson we try and instill.